Mikołaj Górzny

I've been interested in programming for about 12 years. During this time I have created many desktop, web, API and a few mobile applications, as well as games in various technologies, all of varying complexities.

I am eager to learn new things, goal-oriented, supportive, meticulously pay attention to detail, focused on problem-solving and conscientiously perform the duties entrusted to me.

Due to the SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), I prefer remote participation.




Pniewy · Greater Poland Voivodeship


2021 – 2022

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań

Master's Degree · Computer Science · extramural studies

2017 – 2021

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań

Bachelor's Degree · Computer Science · extramural studies



10.2022 - now

Junior Software Developer · working remotely

Ruby on Rails · Devise · CanCan & Pundit authorization systems · Pupeeter · JS · Heroku · AWS · BugSnag

Maintaining and developing responsive BEM 7-1 architecture frontend, backend and tests for CO² emission calculator SaaS application including API development and designing new functionalities. Technologies: Ruby on Rails · Heroku · JavaScript · React · Sass · Bootstrap · RSpec · Redis · AWS · Stripe · Mailchimp.

Maintaining and developing frontend and backend for a robust e-learning platform. Technologies: Ruby on Rails · Heroku · JavaScript · React · Bootstrap · AWS · RSpec · Redis · Scorm Cloud · Mailchimp.

Meticulously reviewing and refactoring code.

Supporting development teams & assisted team work organization.

Working on research and detailed time estimations for new projects & functionalities.


10.2020 - 12.2020

Automated web data extraction with Javascript

Student apprenticeship · working remotely

Recent projects

Assistant Management Environment

Ruby on Rails · Devise · RedCarpet · JS · CD · Apple Shortcuts · Google Docs & Calendars

A suite of three applications that are operating 24/7 at no cost: responsive web platform to manage information flow for personal assistants, continuously deployed (as a static page that is generated on the fly and mimics dynamic page) to Render.com, automated event scheduling & payment management sheets and scripts, shortcuts-based robust notification and communication system.

Features: managing assistant and content access · automated event scheduling that takes into account other schedules and time availability · notification system based on time and calendar events for remainders and schedule & vacation planning.

Accessible Virtual Keyboard

Python · Tkinter · ML (TBD)

Currently in the research phase.

Driver Assistant

Machine Learning · Python · PyTorch · TensorFlow · NumPy · OpenCV

Application that detects & classifies polish road signs. Models trained with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio on Google Street Map View, YouTube & Kaggle data. Additionally, capable of environmental semantic segmentation using ENet model and data labeling.

Features: ability to classify 92 polish signs · image & video/ live inference using self-trained Faster R-CNN detection & Sequential Keras classification models · implemented pre-trained model for semantic segmentation · detection & classification model training module & more.


SZOSK (Driver Training Center Management System)

Python · Django REST framework · Django REST Knox · Gunicorn · Stripe · Faker · Coverage · Angular · NGINX

Responsive web platform to support the management of Driver Training Centers, including management of: driving instructors, employees, trainees, course enrollment, payments and allowing the exchange of information between users · Engineering team project.

Scope of work: project manager · responsive design · booking a drive system · user management · backend integration (API) · integration tests.



Good knowledge

Python · Django · Django REST framework · PyTorch · TensorFlow · NumPy · OpenCV

Ruby on Rails · JavaScript · C# · WPF · MVVM-light

Microsoft Azure ML Studio · Heroku · Scorm Cloud

Basic knowledge

Java · Angular · Swift · Selenium

Linux · Docker · CI/ CD · AWS





B1/ B2


Programming · Artificial Intelligence · Robotics applied to solve accessibility problems

Computer games · Computer Graphics

New technologies · Astronomy · Books

Website version with project presentations